Welcome to my blog!..This will be used as a diary of my many days out chasing rare birds,local birding and my experiences in the fantastic natural world of the UK,with a scattering of photos thrown in as well.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Gloomy Donna and Covenham Res.....
Coltsfoot,Donna Nook NNR.
Badger footprints,Donna Nook NNR.
Male Yellow-dung Fly,Covenham Reservoir.
A day out today with Chris and Dave resulted in a few goodies being seen in the gloomy conditions,what a contrast to yesterday.We put in some considerable effort at Donna Nook,walking south to quad 3 and then all the way up to Pye's Hall,with the best birds being the wintering Hooded Crow seen in the quad 3 area with his Carrion cousins and showed fairly well being seen in flight and perched.This species seems to be much rarer in Linc's these days,what a shame!.The only other notable sighting's were a Merlin watched hunting along the beach and perched up on the RAF targets and 8 Long-tailed Tit.Non-bird sightings here included my first Coltsfoots of the year and lot's of Badger activity ,with tracks all over the beach area.The last place we visited was Covenham Res,with the best bird here being a single Sanderling watched feeding along the east bank,this is the first time i have observed the species here.Other birds here included 3 Goosander(2 Drake and 1 Duck) and 27 Goldeneye.On the way home 3 Common Buzzard where seen near to Ludborough.Not a bad day despite the weather.
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