Monday, June 06, 2011

Messingham Bits....

Sloe Bug.

Jumping spider-Salticus scenicus,with prey.

Southern-marsh Orchids.

Twayblade flower detail.
A few hours to spare today,while the boss was at work,so i decided to pay a visit to my second home at Messingham.The weather was a bit of a mixed bag again,but eventually brightened up with some warm sunshine,despite the cold easterly wind.After meeting up with Teresa,we began to search for the Tawny Owls that had been seen in the plantation and after some Blackbird's gave away it's position,we were treated to superb views of and adult Owl roosting at the side of a Willow,superb!.Other notable bird sightings today included mainly breeding birds,with the first Avocet chicks hatching,with one pair having 2 chicks and plenty of Black-headed Gull chicks all over the islands,we also saw 2 broods of Shelduck.Insect sighting's were provided by another Sloe Bug near the small pond in the plantation and a few Wild flower sightings brightened up the day with the Dune Helleborine's almost in flower and the Southern-marsh Orchids and Twayblade's,showing well.Another nice visit to this superb reserve.